Saturday, January 23, 2010

Just Kidding.........still here

So it turns out I didn't leave Scobey as planned. Thursday night I got an email from a job in Chicago wanting to do a phone interview on Friday with a possible in-person interview on Tuesday. So I postponed my travels and am still here in this icey, snowy, blizzarding part of the country. It is actually a good thing I didn't leave as the roads are not good at all and sporting events in the area were cancelled due to travel conditions. Hopefully I can make it to the train station 45 miles away. I had the phone interview yesterday afternoon and it went well. So to Chicago I go. I am hopping the train in WolfPoint on Sunday and have my interview on Tuesday afternoon. It is a job with a large grocery store and the position is the Healthy Eating Specialist for the store. It is a really cool job and is the only thing that is keeping me from my return to Germany. A job opportunity that I could not pass up and had to try. We'll see what happens. What's meant to be will be :)

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