Yesterday afternoon I made a trip out to the suburbs to have dinner with my cousins on the Bowler side. My aunt Gwen, uncle Bob and cousin Becky are in town from North Dakota for a week visiting. I had been 10+ years and it was so good to see them. I went to my cousin Tim's house and his wife, Jodi, made us dinner. We hugged, visited, and laughed for a few hours. Afterward we went to the custard shop that Tim owns to get a little cold tasty treat. We sat outside in the beautiful, warm weather in the early evening enjoying each others company. It was a great time and I'm really glad I got a chance to see them. Only wish it could have been longer. They may try to come into the city on Friday but not a definite. I'm looking forward to the possibility.
Taught a cooking class at work tonight. It was on Basic Healthy Cooking Techniques. I had 11 people and it went really good. Everyone said they really enjoyed it and I felt pretty satisfied in the end. Showed them how to roast, steam, boil, and dry saute. Felt like a little version of Rachel Ray.
Had my probationary review today and my boss said she is very happy with how things are going and she has gotten lots of very positive feedback. Guess I get to keep my job for a little while longer ;)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sad Goodbyes but New Revivals
After breakfast and coffee with my mom and sister this morning, a 45 minute snuggle time with Ainsley sleeping soundly on my chest and some relaxing, showering, and packing, I once again went to the airport which seems to occur quite often. I've done it so many times that it just seems like a normal part of my life going from airport to airport usually by myself with excited greetings or sad goodbyes. The excited times remind me of why I love to travel and the sad ones make me question my decisions in life and why I have chosen the path that I have chosen. Today was a sad time. It is always difficult to leave loved ones wondering when the next visit will be and wishing we were closer but knowing it just isn't in the cards right now. I sat in the Boise airport after my mom dropped me off and cried softly as I texted Jenny another goodbye and sweetly received a picture message of her and Ainsley saying "Miss you and love you!" I called Caro, soothed myself in silence and then it happened...I started reading the book Eat Pray Love for the second time and was opened up again to an exciting, vibrant revival of the self that I know. If I had some extreme connection to anyone in the world it would be with Elizabeth Gilbert. I now remember why I loved this book so much the first time I read it. So many things she says especially in the first part of the book touch on similar experiences I have had or feelings I have felt but wasn't sure anyone understood or felt to. It isn't a coincidence that we are both sensitive, emotional Cancers. I feel like I could write a similar book of my life but am still in the first couple chapters on the brink of the "meat" of the book. It's actually a little strange reading her thoughts at times cause it seems like such a reflection of myself. She had a heart to travel and experience pleasure, God and balance and I'm right there with her. I'm working on a way to do a similar voyage of food and travel and know it will happen one way or another. THAT is why I have chosen to live this way, THAT is why I do what I do, THAT is why I listen so strongly to my heart and THAT is what makes me me and not an imitation of someone else or a picture of convention. Maybe, just maybe, this part of my life will also be written as a book to comfort, inspire, and entertain others. You just wait!
As I landed in Denver for my 3 hour layover the flight attendent announced all the connecting flights. The one that stood out the most was a flight to Frankfurt. My mind instantly jumped to an image and idea of me spontaneously booking myself on that flight and just going for it. I had a big grin on my face and an excited feeling rush through my body as I shook my head knowing that I definitely had the guts to do it and it would be a great story but heard a voice in my head telling me to "have patience". I honestly wouldn't put something like this passed me. If not for a few restraints and obligations I probably would have done it. It was even harder to hold back when I randomly started talking to a woman on the Tram to the terminal that just so happened to be taking the Frankfurt flight cause she lived in Freiburg! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I then had to think twice and really belt myself in the seat waiting to get on my Chicago flight. I called Caro to tell her my crazy thought and I course she didn't try to stop me :) I sat for another hour and then was lured to the screen to see when the Frankfurt flight left figuring it already had BUT no it was now delayed 3 hours, so you can image my mind wondering if that was some sort of sign. As I stood there for about 20 mins with the Chicago gate on my left and the Frankfurt gate toward the right I finally went right :) I even got as far as the standing there staring at the gate and then calling Luftansa to see if there was room (just for fun but they said I would have to ask the desk cause booking was closed over the phone) before I had to rush back to the gate and board the plane back to Chicago. Crazy girl I am! It was a fun thought though! Again, hearing "have patience, have patience" in my head. So close but I will be there soon. A piece of my heart is definitely still there and I will have another chapter there I'm sure but not yet.
Made it back home in Chicago at about 11:45. Time for bed and back to work tomorrow :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Girls Day
Today was a great day. After Ainsley's first feeding this morning , my mom took her and Jenny and I went for a run. It was strange to think that we had done that same run so many times before. Memories flooded my mind from the times we would go at 5 in the morning or how the scenery changed so much with the season. The green belt trail that goes through the city is sooo beautiful and it doesn't even feel like you are in the middle of the city as you run through the wilderness along the river and over little brook bridges. We all walked it last night as well and enjoyed the little bit of warm weather we got while being here. After our run today mom and I went and got a few groceries. Then we came back and picked up Jen and Ainsley and we had a Mother's Day lunch at La Vie En Rose, a cute little French cafe. We enjoyed a light lunch with a little dessert and coffee afterward. So great to spend time together. Only wish we could stay longer. Ainsley did sooo good too. Such a punkin! After lunch we stopped at the Boise Co-op (healthfood store) to pick up a few more things for the 5 course meal I was going to cook tonight. Of course I would have to hit up that store. It is so cute and you know me and grocery shopping. It brought back memories of when I lived here. We came back home and while Jen and baby napped, mom and I prepped dinner. We visited, cut veggies, blended, boiled, simmered, and baked. We had a little bit of time even to sit down and visit with a glass of wine. Love it! Tonights meal including: Black Bean dip with veggies, strawberry spinach salad, black bean soup, tilapia on a bed of cheezy (nutritional yeast and almond milk) barley with a cucumber red pepper relish and a side of fresh green beans, and for dessert a fruit pie made with a nut and date crust and all fruit filling, no added sugar or other ingredients. I wasn't happy with the dressing I made for the salad but everything else was pretty tasty. We sat down and enjoyed the progressive meal, course by course with a glass of wine and a little decaf coffee with dessert. Then I got to give little Ainsley a bath. She is such a sweetheart and did so good. I was a little nervous bathing her cause she is soo tiny but auntie Becky had the touch ;) So sad I won't see her much and not looking forward to goodbye tomorrow. Going to enjoy the rest of my time here before flying out tomorrow afternoon. The picture of all four of us girls is on my mom's camera so I will post it as soon as she sends it to me. Really cute!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
For the first time :)
Last night I flew into Boise after a 5 hour trip from Chicago. It was pretty late so Jen and I visit for a bit and then went to bed. BUT this morning, I was awakened when my new little niece came into meet me for the first time. As she laid beside me a few tears welled up in my eyes. She is soooo precious and such a sweetheart. I'm so proud of my sis too. She is such a good mama. So excited to be here and looking forward to spending the next couple days together. My mommy gets here this afternoon too so some girlie time will be taking place.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Where am I?
Where am I? I have lived in so many places and experienced quite a few things that sometimes there is a brief moment in a day where I have to remind myself where I am. It isn’t a bad thing….it’s just a extremely brief strange feeling. For instance, when I first moved back from Heidelberg, I often found it weird for a brief moment when walking down the street I would hear passers by speaking English or hear people in restaurants at the table next to me speaking English. You may think that sounds funny but I had gotten so used to hearing people speak German all around me that English became an odd occurrence and it stood out more when I would hear it. So here it so much when I got back was pretty over stimulating and a little awkward at first. I had to keep reminding myself I was back in the States. Another example, I always recognize Montana license plates since I have lived out of state for a while and sometimes when I go back to Montana I look at a license plate and for a brief second think “oh, they must be from Montana” when really, of course they are cause that is where I am in that moment :)
So, two days ago I saw someone in the grocery store that I couldn’t remember where I had known her from. Turns out I worked with her in California at the weightloss camp last summer for a short period of time. Crazy! This morning, I ran along the little beach by my house and as the waves crashed onto the sand, the rain drizzled down, and the fog rolled off the water I felt like I was in Santa Cruz again. As I came around the corner by the Planetarium and expected to see the beautiful view of the city, all I saw were sail boats, water and fog. Kinda weird how it feels like a whole different place or experience when you don’t see the normal view.
It’s also interesting how when you have been somewhere for a certain period of time it just becomes another place and you aren’t as observant or in awe of your surroundings. Things like the amazing view of the city from my bedroom window become taken for granted and not as recognizable or as amazing until someone who doesn’t see it every day points it out again. Kinda like running by the river in Heidelberg and walking down the Hauptstrasse. I still think it is beautiful and always will but when I was living there, the beauty, although it continued to take my breath away at times, became such a normal everyday sight. Not sure if I am making sense. Just saying that there is a different feeling and view of a place between the first time you see it and after seeing it over a period of many days, months, or years. I still remember the first time I came here 5 years ago and how it was a cool unfamiliar vacation spot. Now I live here and it’s just a normal occurrence for me to run along Lake Michigan or walk by the Sears Tower or ride the EL around the city. It sometimes isn’t until people come visit and you get to show them around that you observe where you really are again. I love being in different places, seeing different things, experiencing different cultures, and I’m not sure that will ever change, I just sometimes have to remind myself where I am and really be there.
So, two days ago I saw someone in the grocery store that I couldn’t remember where I had known her from. Turns out I worked with her in California at the weightloss camp last summer for a short period of time. Crazy! This morning, I ran along the little beach by my house and as the waves crashed onto the sand, the rain drizzled down, and the fog rolled off the water I felt like I was in Santa Cruz again. As I came around the corner by the Planetarium and expected to see the beautiful view of the city, all I saw were sail boats, water and fog. Kinda weird how it feels like a whole different place or experience when you don’t see the normal view.
It’s also interesting how when you have been somewhere for a certain period of time it just becomes another place and you aren’t as observant or in awe of your surroundings. Things like the amazing view of the city from my bedroom window become taken for granted and not as recognizable or as amazing until someone who doesn’t see it every day points it out again. Kinda like running by the river in Heidelberg and walking down the Hauptstrasse. I still think it is beautiful and always will but when I was living there, the beauty, although it continued to take my breath away at times, became such a normal everyday sight. Not sure if I am making sense. Just saying that there is a different feeling and view of a place between the first time you see it and after seeing it over a period of many days, months, or years. I still remember the first time I came here 5 years ago and how it was a cool unfamiliar vacation spot. Now I live here and it’s just a normal occurrence for me to run along Lake Michigan or walk by the Sears Tower or ride the EL around the city. It sometimes isn’t until people come visit and you get to show them around that you observe where you really are again. I love being in different places, seeing different things, experiencing different cultures, and I’m not sure that will ever change, I just sometimes have to remind myself where I am and really be there.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s day has so many meanings for people. For some it is a day to tell mom how much she is loved and appreciate and for others it is a time to morn and/or celebrate the life of the mom that is no longer with us. Some are celebrating it for the first time with a new bundle of joy while some are wishing that one day they will have the chance to experience it. Some never had a mother figure to appreciate while others maybe have more than one. For some it will be a very happy time and for others it may be sad. Whatever it is for you, I send you lots of love, comfort, and joy. For me, on Mother’s Day, I think of my mom and how awesome she is and has been for me; I think of my little sister, whom I am so proud of, and her new little girl; I think of my great sister-in-laws who raise my incredible little nieces and nephews; I think of my grandmothers who worked so hard to raise so many kids; I think of my friends who are all incredible moms and are always teaching me; I think other “mom’s” in my life whom I love and appreciate very much; I think of so many others who do one of the hardest jobs in the world; and I think of myself and how I one day hope to have that job and when the time comes I’ll be ready. Today I send out a blessing and love to all those mom’s out there and wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day but I also send out comfort to those people whom this may not be a happy time. xoxoxo
Mother’s day has so many meanings for people. For some it is a day to tell mom how much she is loved and appreciate and for others it is a time to morn and/or celebrate the life of the mom that is no longer with us. Some are celebrating it for the first time with a new bundle of joy while some are wishing that one day they will have the chance to experience it. Some never had a mother figure to appreciate while others maybe have more than one. For some it will be a very happy time and for others it may be sad. Whatever it is for you, I send you lots of love, comfort, and joy. For me, on Mother’s Day, I think of my mom and how awesome she is and has been for me; I think of my little sister, whom I am so proud of, and her new little girl; I think of my great sister-in-laws who raise my incredible little nieces and nephews; I think of my grandmothers who worked so hard to raise so many kids; I think of my friends who are all incredible moms and are always teaching me; I think other “mom’s” in my life whom I love and appreciate very much; I think of so many others who do one of the hardest jobs in the world; and I think of myself and how I one day hope to have that job and when the time comes I’ll be ready. Today I send out a blessing and love to all those mom’s out there and wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day but I also send out comfort to those people whom this may not be a happy time. xoxoxo
Friday, May 7, 2010
All Things German
Every Friday I have German lessons with a private tutor which I am very glad I decided to do. I enjoy it very much even though it tests my patients a little bit. She says I'm a very fast learner but I'd like to just know it all now :)
Today I decided to make it an "All things German" day (well, many things German anyway). After my lesson, I went up north to check out a bakery called "Dinkel's", that has been family owned since 1922 by a family from Bavaria. I had high hopes of seeing some German pastries and maybe even sitting down for a little afternoon Kuchen and Kaffee. The place was cute and had some pretty good stuff but it was pretty Americanized of course so I was a little disappointed. Nothing REALLY lured me in and I left the place a little bummed without a taste of Germany. I hopped in my car and headed to the grocery store cause #1 I was planning on cooking dinner and needed ingredients and #2 it may sound weird but I never get to REALLY grocery shop AND take my time doing anymore. I love doing that and I feel like I haven't gotten to do it in a long time since I work at one and I just want to leave right away when I get off so I just end up getting a few things quickly and going on my way. Well, on my way to the huge Whole Foods in another neighborhood, I drove up right beside a store called Aldi. Awwwww....I had to stop. This was my all things German day and if I was grocery shopping there is no way I could miss going to Aldi. Aldi is a discount supermarket based in Germany and Caro and I would shop there all the time. Of course many of the products were different but it definitely had the same general atmosphere and setup. Made me a little giddy and put a smile on my face to be walking through there and remembering my trips to Aldi in Heidelberg. If only I could get some of the same products that were regular purchases of ours :( After my trip through Aldi, I made it to Whole Foods and spent the next hour or so and a chunk of cash but loved every minute of it. I even (because it was a German day) sat down around 4 o'clock to slowly enjoy some Kuchen und Kaffee (a little tradition that was introduced to me by meine liebe Heindel Familie). I finally made it back home a little before 5 and begin what turned out to be a 3 1/2 hour German cooking extravaganca. I was lovin it! I turned on some tunes and rocked out in front of the kitchen island and stove. I had decided to cook a well known German meal for Sari and I regardless of nutrition but all from scratch (that counts for something) :) It was REALLY good! The menu consisted of Jaegerschnitzel with Jaeger Sauce, Spaetzle, and Rote Gruetze with Vanilla Sauce. It was accompanied by a bottle of German white wine that was used in some of the cooking as well. I pulled all of the recipes from a German cookbook that I bought in Heidelberg before leaving. SO the 3 1/2 hours was partially due to the fact that I had to translate the directions and convert all the metric units to cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons etc. Not only was I cooking something completely new but I was reading the recipe in German. My brain was workin double time. I think next time I will translate and convert it all before I start :) It went fine but I think I may have missed a couple tiny steps and maybe had a couple conversions wrong but I was able to improvise. The Jaegerschnitzel was made by pounding out a thin piece of veal, breading it with egg, flour, and breadcrumbs and frying it in olive oil. Yikes! Not only have I never cooked veal (Sorry for anyone who this may offend. It was pasture raised though if that makes a difference.) but I also haven't fried anything in years! I was cringing a little while doing it and Sari laughed as I just tried to push aside my nutrition morals and enjoy the process. The sauce was made with a little butter, garlic, bacon (another item I haven't used in forever), mushrooms, water, white wine, some spices and herbs and a little cream. Freakin good but really rich and not real low fat :) That is one thing about German food: Very heavy! On the side was steamed brussel sprouts and Spaetzle. Spaetzle is like a pasta/dumpling made from flour, egg and water. There is actually a Spaetzle maker or board especially for making it but I just improvised with a cutting board and cheese knife. I was very happy with the outcome. For dessert, I made something called Rote Gruetze with a vanilla sauce. The Rote Gruetze is sort of like a gelatin dessert with fruit, water, sugar and starch. I used cherries, rasberries, and strawberries. Then on top you put a vanilla sauce made from real vanilla bean (which I always thought looked like an actual bean but really looks like a stick), milk, sugar and egg yolk. I'm not sure I did it right cause it was very liquidy but it sure tasted good. Overall the meal was a big success. Sari enjoyed all of it. I enjoyed it and loved doing it. Alles schmeckt mir sehr gut! The only downfall was the SUPER full stomach and the slight headache I got from the richness and my body not really being used to that much eggs, milk, butter and meat. I definitely couldn't eat meals like this every night but the cooking experience and the cultural acknowledgement truely made my heart sing. Heidelberg memories surfaced as well that put a little extra smile on my face. Looking forward to the next evening of another cultural cuisine.
P.S. I meant to get a pic with my German tutor but didn't get to it AND I really think my food photography is improving :) Maybe one of these days I will update my camera. I love documenting it as I go and would love to make it look even better. I hope you enjoy seeing it as well.
leibe Gruesse - beck
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