Tuesday, November 30, 2010
An evening with the girls
Thanksgiving Weekend with Zach and Fam
Thanksgiving Weekend a little different than planned
I arrived in Bozeman around 3:15, in time to go to my sister-in-law’s parents house for Thanksgiving dinner. Although I was very sad I wasn’t going to get home, I was very glad to still be able to spend the weekend with some family. The hardest part of it all is that I usually only make it home once a year and when I do I need to see as many people as possible. So this trip didn’t quite work out that way and I wasn’t sure when the next time would be. Despite all of that, I had a good time with Zach and his family, got to see my sister and her family on their drive through Bozeman, back to Boise, and got to spend an evening with my bestest buds from high school. It was just the beginning of the trip and the end that made it a little dramatic and unpleasant. I had the joy of getting the flu yesterday morning before getting on the plane back to Chicago. Puking on an airplane is one of the worst travel experiences you can have. I had a 3 hour layover in Denver so I was at least able to rest up on the airport floor in between flights of sitting up straight, through stomach cramps and nausea. It took quite a bit for me to make it through the day and 10 hours later, I stumbled through my front door, dropped my bags and crawled in to bed. I needed some rest since I had to work at 11 the next day. Hmmmmm…..maybe this trip just wasn’t quite meant to be ;)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A dream surrendered so easily would not be a dream worth dreaming
Ok, ok….some of you may be a little confused because this project has remained somewhat of a secret for the last 8 months, so I suppose it is time for me to reveal it. Here goes…the somewhat condensed version…. In April, I was seeking a little bit more creativity in my life. I was bored with my job, I wasn’t doing much cooking at home for fun and my travel was put on hold due to financial reasons and the fact that for the first time in 4 years I actually had a job that I had to punch in and out of and couldn’t just pick up and take off whenever I felt like it. I have a passion for travel, food and culture, and after watching the movie Julia and Julia, a (what I thought was brilliant) idea popped into my head. What if I did a blog on travel, food, and culture? I could go to all these countries in the world or the cultural communities in the States and write about all the different cultural foods and how to cook them. I told my brother of the idea and he suggested doing it but also filming it, sort of like a documentary. Hmmmmm……there was the spark. Well, it just so happens that my roommate is an editor for a large TV production company so I proposed the idea to her and asked if she wanted to be a part of it. She was all in and the ball was rolling. We wrote up a proposal in great detail and depth explaining the idea and formatted it for submission to a big TV Network. The idea is about travel, food, and culture and is written in extremely more detail and depth but I still can’t reveal that just yet ;) At the end of May, the proposal was submitted. Within a matter of two days, we received word that the submission was received and some legal documents needed to be signed in order to move forward. Also some film was requested so they could fully review the proposal, see what I looked like, and make sure I was able to talk on camera. There was a fair warning though, that other ideas of this nature had been submitted as well. With contacts being made and sample filming requested, Sari and I set out in Chinatown to do some raw footage and put something together. The next few months were the filming process but on November 3rd, we finally handed in some final footage. Then the waiting game began yet again. Without any contact received in almost 3 weeks, we were hoping that no news was good news. I guess it sort of was. We had already gotten this far and the lady on the development team was always quick to respond. So on Monday, we sent a follow up email requesting any feedback or thoughts. An interesting email came yesterday saying that our email had excellent timing and she was waiting until after a meeting “on new projects” was completed because our project was on the agenda. COOL!!!! They were talking about it in a meeting! She requested that Sari call her when she got a minute. Sort of a bit confusing….anyway….the first thing she said was “Becky is so cute!” I guess that’s a good sign ;) Then she reminded us that there were other submissions similar that they had “passed” on and after careful review they weren’t going to pursue further development on our idea at this time. BAM! There it was. Done. Weird…..such a long process and such a quick end. Still a little frazzled and confused by it all.
With all that said, I strangely don’t feel like it’s over. It just didn’t work out in what was seeming to be the easiest manner and now another route is going to have to be pursued. I’m not quite sure what that is yet but my eyes and ears are open. I can usually sort of tell when I need to let something go but for this, it’s not time yet. I’m not sure what it would look like but something is going to happen with all of this. I can’t close the book. I can’t surrender the dream. If it was surrendered so easily it would not have been worth dreaming. So for now one door was closed but thankfully it’s in a room full of doors. I just need to figure out which one will let me in.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sneek Peek at 2011 Season of "Where in the world is Becky Bowler?"
Monday, November 15, 2010
Back in Chicago
Sad trip back to Chicago
After trying unsuccessfully to get a few hours of sleep, the alarm went off and it was time to again pack up my things, leave another place I once called home and to sadly say goodbye to my closest friend once again. The trip to the airport was pretty quiet, driving through the dark and rain and we made it in plenty of time. After lots of hugs and tears streaming down my face, I did my last wave to Caro and made my way to the airport gate. It is all so familiar. It’s always so exciting to visit friends and family but it goes by way to fast and then comes the inevitable sad goodbyes. The not-so-nice lady at the ticket counter seemed very annoyed with my unorganized check-in but she toned down her inappropriate attitude a little bit after she saw that I couldn’t really talk nor hold back tears again after a couple minutes into the interaction. I should have taken advantage of the opportunity and tried to cry my way into getting bumped to first class. Dang! Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Before getting to my gate, I picked up a little german chocolate and a book to encourage me to keep up on my German learning and take a little bit of the country back with me. Eat Pray Love is one of my most favorite books and they just happened to have the German version available so I figured what a better book than this since I know the story so well and can sort of figure out what is being said while reading it in German. Just might take me a little longer :) Oh well, I’ve never been a very fast reader anyway. I wonder if they have Cliff-notes ;)
Thankfully, I slept on the first plane, not only because we were sitting on the plane on the ground for an hour and a half before taking off but I was exhausted and it also helped distract me from being so sad. On my second flight now, I have the pleasure of sitting next to Paul Bunyan who just recently finished his second tray of lunch and is now again sprawled out, sleeping with a few crumbs of food in his beard (perhaps for later), his huge legs cramped up to the seat in front of him, and a sock across his eyes held on by one of those sleeping eye covers that rubberband around your head. I’m anxious to see the marks it leaves on his face when he wakes up and takes it off. Awww…cheap entertainment.
I did sleep for an hour though and now I am reminded again that I am sadly going back across the ocean to the states and boy, do I look hot :) I just know I am gonna meet the man of my dreams in day old clothes, distorted sleep hair, swollen eyes, and no makeup. At least then he has something to look forward to, right? Oh well, I am at least able to sit here with sad and happy tears and write a review of the great time I had in Germany and look over the 300+ pictures I took. Lots of hugs, laughs, food, german learning, and memories; a little scar on my hand from my favorite crazy cat; and Sara Barielles will now be a little heart wrenching to listen to but for great reason. I still have another two flights until I reach my final destination, but 4 flights and 24 hours door to door travel back to Chicago is still absolutely worth the trip. A piece of my heart still sits in Heidelberg and always will.
(****Note to Caro**** Ich vermisse dich schon und Ich liebe dich sehr mit alle mein hertz! Danke fuer alles. Ich kann meine leben ohne dich nicht ausmalen. Tschussi aber nur vorerst. Bis drei monate!)
Back to a crazy work day tomorrow but very much looking forward to a trip back home to Scobey to spend time with my whole fam! I’m sure there will be lots of pictures and stories to come. Until next time….aufwiedersehen.
Last day in HD :( but in the moment
Caro on our regular river run "I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth" :)
Saturday night, We ended up staying at Suse and Christoff’s house in Karlsruhe, so had to get up and take the train back to Heidelberg. We actually dropped off in Leimen to pick up Caro’s mom’s car for our trip to the airport the next morning. When I say we dropped off, I mean we hopped off at the closest train station and made our 30 minute “walk of shame” in our (well me anyway) last night’s clothes, through the streets, a little mud, trails and drive ways to the house. At least the weather was AMAZING! The sun was shining and the climate was t-shirt and short weather. (Tight jeans, an accessory scarf, and calf-high boots wasn’t really what I planned enjoying the walk in but the company was good and the fresh air refreshing.) We made it in time for another one of my favorite most memorable German times. We sat at the table and visited with her parents over a breakfast of fruit, bread, jam, honey, egg, and tea. One tradition I love that will never die is actually sitting around the table with family and friends for meals. This time it reminded me of the many times that we did this same thing when I first moved to Heidelberg last year. After breakfast, we made our way back into Heidelberg and threw on our running clothes to enjoy the weather. We did a little run walk by the river and through the main street. I brought my camera this time so I could capture it all. If only pictures could capture ambiance, real views, and heartfelt feelings. Time in the moment……which again would not have been the same without stopping at Caro’s Gelato place for a scoop of ice cream. By the way she knows the entire staff and all there is to know of the place, you would think she knew them forever but NO, it just opened this last year and she just may have been there a few times ;) Great stuff! After our run/walk around the city, I made another batch of Caro’s fave pumpkin bars so she would have some after I left and we showered and got ready while waiting for Nadine to stop by. We had coffee and pumpkin bars before taking a night trip up to the Heidelberg castle. I hadn’t been up there on this trip yet so it had to be done. We picked up another friend, Michi, and drove up a familiar running hill to the side of the mountain where the castle stood. The International Film Festival was going on up there so we had some fun taking crazy pics in front of the lit up signs. The view of the city from up there is beautiful and it was a great time of pictures, walking around the castle grounds, and enjoying the warm fall evening. After the photo shoot, we made SchafsKaese (sheep cheese, another familiar food of mine there) and sat and visited over dinner. After dinner Caro and I spent one last moment chilling out, looking at pictures from all that we did in the last week, and visiting before we had to say goodbye in the morning. 4:30am was coming way too soon :(
Basketball and Griechin
my souvenier little matting sign that translates into Fruit Vegetables
Trip to France and an evening with German food and friends
Coffee for the road....driver concentration
Friday morning Caro and I hopped in the car for a day trip to Strassburg, France. It is only a couple hours away and is a cute little place with shops, cafes, and beautiful architecture. My first trip to France :) Our GPS of written map quest directions and Caro’s i-phone helped us to successfully get there around noon. The signage on the autobahn isn’t really the most clearly stated. Seems as though every trip we have taken has led us to a couple “turn-arounds” in order to stay on track. It’s all good. Adam Lambert kept us entertained quite a few times as well as a few other songs that I’m surprised I can’t think of right now. ….over and over, gotta love the radio. In Strassburg, we strolled around town, through the beautiful cathedral, through a couple French Marche and were unfortunately disappointed by a pflammkuchen that the area is famous for. Apparently it is usually really good and you can get it at most restaurants there but the place we decided to stop into made a different type of sauce that neither Caro nor I really cared for so much. A little bit like creamy cheese mixed with uncooked egg…..right? sounds yummy, huh? Pflammkuchen is a very thin crust pizza with rahm (like a sour cream, or in our case creamy egg something) and then other ingredients like onion, bacon, and cheese. All in all, it was an experience worth having. After lunch we check out a few clothes shops and a couple patisseries before grabbing some sweet treats to take back to Caro’s parents. We made our way back through the drizzle and stopped in Leimen for coffee at her parents and while she ran to a quick appointment I sat and visited with Anke, brushing up on my German speaking some more. Very treasured times. Then it was time for us to get back into Heidelberg because we had plans to cook some traditional German food with friends. An originally planned group of 4 turned into a group of 12 and there we were eating Dampfnudeln, Kartoffel Suppe, and Vanilla Sousa in a kitchen I like to still pretend is mine. Gotta love a full kitchen with good food and good company. Nadine provided us with all the goods and I watched (with a small partaking) Nadine and Suse make this German delight, oh, and Caro chopped the onions. Dampfnudeln is a big ball of dough, sort of like making a soft dinner roll. Then they are cooked by placing water, butter and salt (or sugar depending on the sauce) in the bottom of the pan, then the dough ball on top of that and covering it so the bottom gets crusty and the top is steamed to cook. Then you eat it with Potato soup and/or vanilla pudding sauce. VERY yummy! A great night with great food and great friends.
Heidelberg Trip Part 2
Caro and Nadine walking through the Hauptstrasse in Heidelberg
A very chill week of visits, coffee drinking, cooking, running, and all around good times.
Monday Carolin had to work so after a run along the river, I spent the afternoon with her mother, Anke. I took the train out to her house and we went for a long walk around the countryside and town and finished with kaffee und kuchen at a cute little café in the middle of the town. I enjoy spending time with her very much. We have wonderful visits and she makes me speak German as much as I can so I get a little practice. It’s great :) After Caro got off work we grab some food from our favorite Thai place and went home to have a little dinner and visit. AND of course, we watched a Gilmore Girls episode because she is how I started watching it so it made since to finish it with her as well. Only a couple more episodes were left to complete all 7 seasons :(