Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blizzard, NYC, and Film Day 2011

Chicago Blizzard 2011


Sun bathing on the rooftop knees are about to give out just looking at this picture.

On the roof top where we were staying in Manhattan

Caro and I in front of a pastry shop....guess who needed a midnight cupcake ;)

Profile pic for filming

Sari and I and our traditional little sip before the days filming

Mic-ing up for the shoot

In the streets at the parade

Wow….I really haven’t written on here forever. This has been a CRAZY year thus far but great. Such a busy time…finished my online class to get my certificate to teach English but still have to do a little tutoring practicum, made it through the month of January with only a few full days of work off, lived through the Chicago Blizzard 2011, made a quick trip to NYC to see my dear friend Caro, and started filming some more of our pilot. This year is shaping up to be busy, productive, eventful and I would like to think, successful :) The blizzard was pretty big for Chicago but not much for this Montana girl. Pretty cool to see the lightning and the thunder though (new for me) in the midst of 20 inches of snow and 70 mile per hour winds. It almost prevented me from making it to NYC to see Caro though who was in the states for a few days and I would have been very upset to miss the trip. After a couple cancelled flights I made it there a day late but still had a great time. It was gorgeous weather with blue skies and in the low 30s with no breeze. Obviously still chilly but great for early February. Such great quality visit time in a short span and before I knew it I was back on a plane again to Chicago. Caro was there defending her dissertation to finish her doctorate in psychology. She did it! Congrats, Dr. Heindel!
I got back late last night and woke up early enough to meet with Sari and write a couple little script points for our filming session in Chinatown at noon. It couldn’t be missed as we were taking advantage of the Chinese New Year Parade taking place in the streets; a great time to get some good footage. After a few hours of filming in a couple shops and out on the snowy streets, I began to look like a wet dog and was chilled to the bone. Not really the image I was hoping for when I make it to the big screen but I think we got some good stuff. We packed up the gear and I immediately headed into to work for the remainder of the day and evening. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow and hopefully a few less things on my plate this month.

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