Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Raclette Dinner

Last night was another new dinner experience. Caro's friend Fay came over and we prepared a very social meal of Raclette mit Kartoffeln. Raclette is a semi-firm salted cow's milk cheese. It comes from the French word, racler meaning "to scrape". Traditionally it is heated and served with potatoed, gherkins, pickled onions, dried meats, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and sliced peppers. When done properly you prep all the toppings you want to include with the cheese and boil the potatoes while an electric grill called a Raclette grill is heated up. The cheese is brought to the table sliced, along with the potatoes and other prepped toppings. Each person gets their own little pan to create a variety of little combination of packages to be placed on/in the grill/oven and heated. Alternately, you can just melt more cheese to "scrape" out of the little pan and pour over the food. You can see from the picture, the cute little pans and the electric "heater-upper". The unique part about Raclette dining is that it is meant as a relaxed and social eating and drinking experience and a meal can last for hour while you take time to make your many little dishes. Many European Super Markets stock the grill apparatus and ready sliced cheese for this social dining experience. Very good!
Once again I really need a food photographer.

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